12.10 Grind adjustment
Whatever the coffee blend is, a very fine grinding (notch

on low values) increases the density, the cream quantity
and the brewing time of the beverage. On the contrary a
coarse grinding (notch on high values) decreases the
density, the cream, as well as the brewing time.
Do not turn the knob counterclockwise to the limit stop
(19 - F. 14); this action causes the grinders tightening
and the consequent machine block.
If any foreign body in the coffee blend should cause the
block of grinders and the subsequent block of the
machine(on display: “GRINDER ERROR”), refer to an
Authorized Customer Service Center.
NOTE - The grinding is preset by the Manufacturer on standard
values, but it can be adjusted in the following way:
Open the door (15 - F. 14), turn the knob (19 - F. 14)anticlockwise to obtain a finer grinding (the notch moves onto
lower values), and clockwise to obtain a coarser grinding (the
notch moves onto higher values).
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